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The AED machine should tell you the next step which is to continue CPR.

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Q: If the no shock advised message is given during the first analysis you should?
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If the no shock advised message is given during the first analysis of aed you should?

Check for a pulse; if no pulse resume CPR. The AED will reanalyze in 2 minutes.

If the no shock advised message is given during the first AED analysis you should?

Check for a pulse; if no pulse immediately resume CPR. The AED only shocks for 2 cases; V-Fib & V-Tach. If the problem with the sinus rhythm is not one of these two, the AED will not shock even though there is no pulse.

During the second analysis prompts if no shock advised what should you do?

Resume 5 cycles or about 2 minutes of CPR.

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