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The download 'DOTA' is a game that is played within another online game, Warcraft 3. 'DOTA' allows teams to play against one another. Playing it is fun but requires a good deal of strategy in order to be successful.

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Q: If one were to download 'DOTA' what would they be getting?
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Where might one go to download the song 'Dota'?

The song Dota by Basshunter can be downloaded at a number of websites. One can download it from Mp3skull, Dilandau, Mp3Sheriff, and many other websites. One can also listen to the song on YouTube.

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He's in it and he's one of my favourites! All the heroes from DotA will be in DotA 2 eventually, they just need to be made and implemented.

Where can one find out more about chen in dota 2?

Many blogs and video game wikis have information on Chen in Dota 2, so that is a good place to start. Also, there is a website called DotaStrategy that would be a great resource for this.

Where can one find a good dota strategy?

There are a range of different sites that offer good strategy for the game Dota. These strategies can be found on a site that is dedicated to the different strategy resources for the game, which is the "Dota Strategy" website.

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There are reasons why someone would download a ringtone from Vodafone. One might not be satisfied with the default ringtone options on their device, so they would download one from sites such as this one.

What is some important information to know about dota before playing it?

Dota is a semi-RPG and the controls, due to the hybrid of game-kind, make it hard to play-through. A game one might want to play before attempting this type of game would be Halo.

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"download" infers that you are getting the file from the net. You can 'rip' one file from a CD with many programs. Windows Media player and iTunes can do this.

Do you have to download games on PSP GO?

The reason I'm not getting one is that the answer is yes. There is no UMD slot on the PSPGo so yeah you download them all.

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There are numerous internet sites from which would can play and/or download free games. "GameHouse," "Pogo," and "MiniClip" are just three sites that offer this service.