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First of all a friend does not borrow your car without your permission- if they used it without your permission they really arent your friend and they technically stole your car- Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle- Their insurance will cover them only if you file a complaint with the police stating that the person did not have your permission to use the car. Otherwise your insurance will cover the loss and your rate may jump or you may get cancelled. Your call- depends on how much the claim is and how good the friend is

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Q: If a friend borrows your car without permission and gets into an accident will his insurance cover it?
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What happens if your friend borrows your uninsurred car without your permission and gets into an accident?

well technically if it's without your permission it would be (and should be) considered stolen and therefore should be your friend's responsibility to fix everything up.

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In a perfect world, they would pay. Unfortunately, your car is covered by your insurance company and if the accident was the fault of your friend (in your car), then you insurance company must pay. If all of this was without your permission, you could press charges and try taking the person to small claims court for damamges.

Are you responsible if someone borrows your car without permission and gets in an accident?

The owner's insurance will pay if he has collision coverage. It Doesn't matter who was driving. the owner will have to pay the collision deductible, unless he wants to press charges against his buddy for "stealing" the car in which case the owner will have to pay the Comprehensive deductible. If the owner has neither collision nor comprehensive, then the owner is out of luck. The buddy's (who borrowed without permission) insurance company is not responsible for anything. They were not insuring that vehicle only his liability (damage he causes to people and vehicles that he hits but is not occupying)

Does your premium go up if someone without insurance had permission to drive your car and gets into an accident that was their fault in NJ?

Generally speaking, if your insurance has to pay out, then there probably will be an increase. Good luck.

Is your insurance provider notified and will your insurance cover the damages when an unlicensed driver takes your vehicle without permission and is involved in an accident?

The answer should be yes to both parts of the question. You should notify them.

If unlicensed driver in New Jersey takes his mothers car without knowledge and gets in an accident what will happen with court and insurance?

Your mom could loose everything by being sued by the other drivers insurance company. Because you are unlicensed and took the car without permission her insurance company will not cover the accident and you are likely to get a ticket.

When you do not have any insurance AND the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident who is responsible of the other parties damages?

You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!

If your car was taken without your permission by a friend who then was in an accident you did not have insurance at the time will her full coverage insurance cover the cost of your car's repairs?

Generally yes, her insurer should cover it, but ONLY in the instance that it was driven WITHOUT permission. You must make that clear, and your friend must admit to that as well. Her rates may be hiked.

If a person had a car accident and a second person was killed in the accident can the state police take your blood sample from a hospital without your permission?

they sure can they can be used in a court case and insurance companies will also request these samples

Can you drive a mans car without permission from his spouse?

I would not drive a man's car if his wife said I couldn't no matter what. Legally, the person who is the policyholder on the insurance and the owner of the vehicle has to give you permission to drive. If you drive it on a regular basis, you must be listed as a driver on the insurance policy. If you drive the car without permission, and have an accident, you will not have coverage under the insurance policy.

IN CA When you do not have any insurance and the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident can the other parties insurance co sue the owner of the vehicle?

California is a mandatory insurance state. Under California tort law you would be able to be sued for not having insurance as mandated by law.