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Skin cells and taste buds are constantly being replaced so yes it is temporary, however if you made your tongue raw from the scrubbing the soreness may take a bit to go away and will affect your sense of taste.

Take it easy next time and maybe try one of those tongue cleaners you can buy at the drug store.
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Q: If I scrubbed my tongue to hard and now I can't taste as well is this temporary?
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Can you taste without your tongue?

No, the tongue is essential for experiencing the sense of taste. It contains taste buds that detect flavors and send signals to the brain. Without the tongue, the ability to taste would be greatly diminished.

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Taste refers to the sensations we perceive through our taste buds on the tongue, detecting basic tastes like sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Smell, on the other hand, is detected through receptors in the nose and helps us distinguish different scents and odors in the environment. Taste and smell often work together to create our overall perception of flavor.

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It is possible to live without a tongue, as it is not essential for basic survival functions like breathing, eating, or drinking. However, losing the tongue can affect speech, taste, and other oral functions significantly. Physical therapy and speech therapy can help individuals adapt to life without a tongue.

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well you cant it is to good guess the poor guy has no chance of knowing

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