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Neither ill nor perfectly well

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Winfield Wuckert

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Q: How would you describe a person at the midpoint of health continuum?
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What are the extremes of the health continuum?

Anthony oli** is the best person in the world.................................

How would you describwe a person at the midpoint of the helth continuum?

neither ill or perfectly well

What is a health continnum?

a health continuum is represented by a line extending indefinitely on both sides. a person is said to be in good health or in the optimal level of functioning if he is in the left side of that line. however, when a person is on the right side of the line, he is said to be in bad health. the goal therefore is for a person to be able to maintain his health so that he remains on the wellness side of the continuum. this model of health is widely used in all health-related studies.

What is a continnum?

a health continuum is represented by a line extending indefinitely on both sides. a person is said to be in good health or in the optimal level of functioning if he is in the left side of that line. however, when a person is on the right side of the line, he is said to be in bad health. the goal therefore is for a person to be able to maintain his health so that he remains on the wellness side of the continuum. this model of health is widely used in all health-related studies.

How would you describe good health?

A person with good health would be described as someone who is rarely sick with no existing health issues. A person with good health will have energy to do many things, exercise regularly, and eat healthy.

How would you describe good?

A person with good health would be described as someone who is rarely sick with no existing health issues. A person with good health will have energy to do many things, exercise regularly, and eat healthy.

How would you describe CBD to a person who has never been to Toronto?

CBD is very very very good for your health

What do you call a person that is crazy?

Using terms like "crazy" to describe someone's mental state is generally considered disrespectful and stigmatizing. It's more appropriate to use person-first language, such as saying "a person with a mental health condition" or "a person experiencing mental health challenges."

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how can you describe a person with amnesia

Which verb used to describe a person begin with the letter N?

No verbs will describe a person. A person is a noun, and verbs do not describe nouns. Adjectives describe nouns.Examples of adjectives that can describe a person and begin with the letter N:nervousnicenormalnurturing

Is rehabilitation the same as reconstruction?

Rehabilitation is used more for describing the restoring of a person to good health. Reconstruction is used to describe the rebuilding of something.

Can sensitive describe a person?

sensitive can describe a sensitive person