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Q: How would you characterized the type of conflict that exits between GM and UAW using the various conflict-handling interventions?
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How would you characterize the type of conflict that exists between GM and the UAW using the various conflict-handling interventions?

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There are three levels of conflict for the army. They are intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, and intragroup conflict. Intrapersonal is a conflict within self, interpersonal is between two people, and intragroup is between multiple persons.

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conflict and change is when there is conflict between or within societies,change is the result.

What are the levels of the army?

There are three levels of conflict for the army. They are intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, and intragroup conflict. Intrapersonal is a conflict within self, interpersonal is between two people, and intragroup is between multiple persons.

Which are the forms of conflict?

The main forms of conflict are interpersonal conflict (between individuals), intrapersonal conflict (within an individual), intragroup conflict (within a group), intergroup conflict (between different groups), and interorganizational conflict (between different organizations). Each form can arise due to various reasons such as differences in perspectives, goals, values, or resources.