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The reason the scan machine is designed, is to prevent duplication of fingerprints, so that only the person that belongs to the finger is the only one that can get in. Good luck.

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Q: How to to dublicate my fingerprints so i can avoid using my actual finger to sign in and out daily on a scan machine?
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What is the machine used to check peoples fingerprints?

a centrifuge is used to check peoples finger prints or a biometric

What is the Forensic challenge a to z mystery word?

Finger print

Are the fingerprints on both hands the same?

No, the fingerprints are uniquely dfferent for each finger.

What anatomical feature gives us fingerprints?

the finger...the epidermis on the finger

Any examples of how fingerprints are used in law enforcement?

Well they cut out the finger print and put it through a machine and they match it with the persons record and find him/her.

Can you have two different finger prints?

Yes, it is possible to have different fingerprints on each finger. Each person's fingerprints are unique, even between their own fingers. No two fingerprints, even on the same person, are the same.

Are both hands fingerprints the same?

No, each hand has a unique set of fingerprints. Even the fingerprints on each individual finger of the same hand are different. This uniqueness is what makes fingerprints a reliable form of identification.

What is the study of finger print called?

Forensics. However, forensics deals with more than just finger prints.

Do fraternal twins have the same finger prints?

No, fraternal twins do not have identical fingerprints. Fingerprints are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, so even siblings who are not twins will not have the same fingerprints.

Do you have the same fingerprints for all fingers?

No, each finger has its own print.

What is dactyloscopy?

A method of studying fingerprints to establish identification.(finger prints)

Who is supposed to give ten finger prints?

Humans or koala bears can have ten fingerprints. More often than less, the fingerprints of koala bears are often confused with human fingerprints!