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pretty darn slow.....

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Q: How slowly you will die after eating mercury?
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Related questions

Can you die from mercury exposure?

You can get mercury poisoning, most commonly obtained by eating dolphins (which have higher levels of mercury than some other animals). Which, as the name inplies, poisons you slowly.

What would happen if you ate Mercury?

You would slowly die from the brain damage mercury causes.

Why does eating slowly prevents obesity?

Eating slowly prevents overeating and gets you satisfied with less food. Google "Eating slowly"

Does mercury revolve slowly?


Does Venus and mercury spin faster then earth and mars?

Venus and Mercury rotate slowly, much more slowly than Earth or Mars.

How do you know if an alien from scardox is eating?

i think the goo leaves slowly slowly

Which planet revolves quickly but rotates slowly?


What is bad about eating slowly?

Nothing is bad about eating slowly.In fact, it is better than eating

What is a sloth's eating habits?

Sloths move slowly through the trees eating vegetation.

What did qin shi Huang die from?

he died from eating the mercury pills. since the mercury cant be absorbed then Chinese alchemists chemically turned mercury to a solid form as a pill for immortality. the more qin shi huang ate the more damage was done to his body

Why did mercury's craters erode very slowly?

Mercury barely has an atmosphere, so weather erosion is non-existent.

How does the paramecium eat?

when it cicercles the pray its slowly eating it