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Q: How much urine should you produce 12 hours?
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How much urine should you pass in 24 hours?

It would depend on the environment you are in

How much urine does humans produce per minute?

The bladder's capacity of storing urine is about 500ml. In intake and output , we should at least have 30 ml of urine per hour.

How much water should drink to produce 2 liters of urine?

3 to 4 liters of water

How long does alcohol show in urine test?

Depends how much you drank.

How much time is required for getting a urine culture report?

It typically takes 24-48 hours for a urine culture report to be completed after the sample is received by the laboratory. This time frame allows for the bacteria in the urine to grow and be properly identified to determine if there is an infection present.

How much hours should you sleep?

You should sleep 9 hours

Is urinating twice per day not enough for the average female?

no it is actually quite healthy you are actually peeing to much Amount is usually more important that number of times. An adult should produce about 2 ounces of urine per hour, on average. So if you only urinate every 12 hours, you would need to be voiding about 24 ounces per time. That is a lot of urine and most people would find retaining that much urine very uncomfortable, if not painful. Also, retaining urine for a long period of time can increase the risk of infection and sediment buildup.

How much urine does the human body produce in a day?

The human body loses in total about 1.5L of urine per day, based on an adult (60kg).

How much water should you drank to pass a urine test?


How long will 25 mg of promethazine stay in the urine?

48 hours to 96 hours range from 72 depending on how much u consume and how often. will not affect urine or blood screen after 5 days of consuming... Fact..

How much sugar is in urine?

There should be no sugar in your urine unless you are an uncontrolled diabetic.

How long does 60 mg of Vyvanse show up in urine?

48 hours depending on how much taken