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Don't go over 130. Don't go under 80.

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Q: How much should I weigh if I am 5'4?
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How much should I weigh I am a 14 years old girl and am 5.6ft tall?

54 kg..

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How much should a 13 year old weigh who is 54?

54 pounds if that is the case then gain weight like 50 pounds eat now go

How much should a 12 yr old girl weigh that is 54?

um..110 for an average, healthy look. :)

How much should a 54-inch-tall 11-year-old weigh?

What should a 5'6 25 yr old female weigh?

it should be between 54 to 57 kgs

If you are 11 and weigh 5ft how much should you weigh?

you should weigh about 90-140 if your fat you must weigh 140-160

How much is a seventeen year old female should weigh?

There is no such thing as "should" in this question. Weights vary. If your doctor says your aren't to skinny or weigh too much, then that's what you should weigh.

How much should you weigh in 3th grade?

A grade 3 should weigh about 40 or higher

If you are 13 and is 4'11 how much should you weigh?

I weigh ab 93

How much should you weigh if your fourteen?

You should weigh about 130-150. That is a normal 14yr olds weight.

You weigh 140 pounds and you are 13 How much should you weigh?

Depends on your height.