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It is not possible for any object with any mass to travel at the speed of light. It is possible to travel at 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% the speed of light, you could even travel at "99.9 followed by a trillion trillion 9s"% of the speed of light but never quite 100%.

According to our current mathematical theories, for an object with any mass to travel at the speed of light it would take infinite energy to attain that speed.

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13y ago

The basic formula for speed still applies: distance = speed x time. Solving for time: time = distance / speed.

If the distance is expressed in light-years, it is especially easy: it takes light one year to travel one light-year.

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According to our current theories of physics, the speed of light is 299,792.458 km/second and does not vary by local conditions.

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Is it possibie to travel at the speed of light?

Nothing with a rest mass can travel at exactly the speed of light, it would take an infinite amount of energy. Light can travel at that speed because it has zero rest mass. Earlier Answer below So far, we don't know if a human can travel at lightspeed. However, it's easier to travel at the speed of light than to travel through time. New Answer: The problem I always had with the term light speed is that speed is relative. We may be traveling close to the speed of light right now in relation to some other object in the universe.

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Actually Einstein postulated that nothing can travel at the speed of light. He theorized that as something approaches the speed of light its mass increases. This means that for something to travel at the speed of light it needs to have an infinite source of energy. The only things that can travel at the speed of light are particles that have no mass, otherwise known as photons.

Which waves travel the fastest?

The light wave, which is electromagnetic energy, is the fastest wave. The speed of light, which is a physics constant, is the speed of light in a vacuum, and no object with mass can be accelerated to this speed.

What is the difference between speed and light?

Speed is how fast something moves. Light is a form of energy carried by massless photons, these photons move at the speed of light, which is the fastest speed that anything in the universe can travel.

What would happen if a car could travel at the speed of light?

It would turn to energy

What do you need to travel at the speed of light?

There is no way to travel at the speed of light.

How do you travel as fast as the speed of light?

you do not; it would take way too much energy to do this because your mass is so great. Small subatomic particles can be accelerated to close to he speed of light and they require a lot of energy from a particle accelerator. Nothing can reach the speed of light as it would take an infinite amount of energy