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The question cannot be answered as phrased for several reasons. The main reason is because you have not identified the type of insurance involved or other variables concerning it. However, I will assume, since the subject of the question is 16, that you are referring to auto insurance.

Insurance rates, from which premiums derive, are regulated by the individual states. Aiong the factors considered by the regulator is the insurer's overhead, what is considered to be a reasonable profit, the way in which the insurance is sold (for example, does the insurer use an agency system or is it a direct writer?) and the insurer's historical loss ratio.

All of that said, the precise premium for a 16 year old in MD depends upon other factors, too. A few factors include:

1. Whether or not the person took a driver's ed course.

2. Whether the person will be the primary driver of a family car or the sole driver.

3. What coverages are being issued and in what policy limits. Related to this, if physical damage coverage is involved, the amount of the deductible.

4. If the person's family has other coverage with the insurer, certain multi-policy discounts may apply.

5. The identity of the insurer.

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