Heaviness, weight, is variable, depending upon--among other things--the mass at the bottom of the gravity well.
It would be more accurate to ask regarding the mass of asteroids, but that is equally unanswerable. Asteroids vary in size from microscopic to minor planetoids.
The weight of an asteroid can vary greatly depending on its size and composition. Smaller asteroids can weigh only a few kilograms, while larger ones can weigh several billion kilograms. For example, the asteroid Ceres, which is the largest object in the asteroid belt, has an estimated weight of around 939 trillion kilograms.
Asteroids can vary in size from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Some asteroids are small, like pebbles, while others are quite large and can even be classified as dwarf planets. Size is one of the factors used to categorize and characterize asteroids.
Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids
An advantage of mining asteroids is that the asteroidal metals and minerals are concentrated in a small, easily accessible space and they are much purer in content.
That's hard to say, since asteroids come in all sort of sizes. By the way, it is more appropriate to talk about the mass of astronomical objects, than about their weight.
The weight of an asteroid can vary greatly depending on its size and composition. Smaller asteroids can weigh only a few kilograms, while larger ones can weigh several billion kilograms. For example, the asteroid Ceres, which is the largest object in the asteroid belt, has an estimated weight of around 939 trillion kilograms.
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There are probably meteors, small asteroids, or tiny comets that might weigh 1225 newtonson the surface of a moon or planet, but no "planet" would. There are people who weigh morethan that!
The weight of a small asteroid can vary greatly depending on its size and composition. On average, small asteroids can range from a few metric tons to several thousand metric tons.
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astronomers believe that asteroids were formed by a colision with much larger body near mars and thay formed asteroid belt
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Nobody knows, but it is probably billions
Asteroids can vary in size from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Some asteroids are small, like pebbles, while others are quite large and can even be classified as dwarf planets. Size is one of the factors used to categorize and characterize asteroids.
No, Actually most asteroids are found beyond Pluto, the asteroid ring there is called the Kupiter belt it has much more asteroids between the belt between Jupiter and Mars. -- BananaPower
Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids