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I'd say a lot cause heard one group ,Brian Free and Assurance, charges $5,000 for one preformance. Which I think it way expensive, I think that you shouldn't set a price for a church you just take what they can come up with..your singing for God.

Thats not true at all. Southern gospel singers bring home close to $20,000-$32,000 a year.The reason why they charge $5,000 to come is they are 5 people in a group mostly,so the bus fills up about 500 to 1000 dollars in gas every weekend.Plus every state you go into you have to have the bus serviced.Then you have to pay for the members 5,000 take of bus -2,000 then pay cd fines to the contract- (daywind,crossroads,mark 5 ext.)Then lastly members get whats left.About 400-500 dollars a weekend is how much they will get.I'm a gospel singer its about the lord#1,but they need the money to keep going.

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