I work at the Myrtle Beach castle, so I can only speak about what I know at this location. Serfs and wenches in the gift shop and Photography departments start at $7.50/hr and are eligible for raises after 90 days with the company (eligible doesn't mean you'll actually get it.) Bar employees make $6.50/hr and split tips evenly so that nobody gets stiffed while others leave with pockets full of cash. I don't know what show cast, soundbooth technicians, knights, or squires make. Maybe someone else can help you with that.
1st Answer:
Knights didn't get "paid." Since they were nobles they were under the king and the king gave smaller parts of the kingdom for the nobles to rule over. They act as the judge in cases within their regions, it was their duty to protect the peasants and the Church from enemies. Each noble held their land from the king and that could be taken away as well by the king. Often power came in marriage through another noble family whose daughter held lands, but everyone was connected by a bond to the king.
2nd Answer:
The Fordham University website has a Medieval Sourcebook that provides a list of wages and prices (see link below). According to that site, a knight got 2 shillings per day in 1316, and a knight banneret got double that. At the same time, an infantryman got 2 pence (12 pence = 1 shilling).
In medieval times, soldiers were commonly referred to as knights.
knights and peasants
Lunch was not a regular meal during medieval times; breakfast and dinner were the only standard meals of the day. A common snack might have been a piece of fruit.
You woulduse supper.
For strength in their next battle, and courage to carry on.
Medieval Times
There were knights at all places in medieval times.
There were knights at all places in medieval times.
Medieval Times
The colors of the knights in Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament are based on the knight's region or kingdom. Each knight represents a different color, such as red and yellow for Spain, blue for France, green for England, and black and white for Germany. These colors are used to identify and cheer for the knights during the tournament.
heavy armorIn medieval times, knights wore armour when going in to battle.
In medieval times, soldiers were commonly referred to as knights.
Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament has 10 locations across the United States and one location in Toronto, Canada. Each location offers a unique dinner and show experience featuring jousting, sword fighting, and other medieval entertainment.
A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer
knights and peasants
Medieval Times