The mileage will vary depending on the departure and arrival city.
Distance from London, EN, GB to Sydney, NS, AU is 10552 miles/16982 kilometers.
Distance from London to Perth, WU, AU is 8983 miles/14457 kilometers.
Approximately 9,050 miles.
The distance between Manchester, UK and Brisbane, Australia is 10246 miles (16489 km).
UK: Sq. miles = 94,525 Population 60,609,150 Australia: Sq. miles = 2,988,902 Population 22,328,000 Australia = Roughly 3x the size and 1/3 the population of the United Kingdom.
The flight distance to Perth is 9,010 miles. From the airport in Perth to Willetton is another 12.5 miles by car.
Twelve thousand miles
Around 15,000 from London
About 15 000 kilometers/9533 miles
how many miles from caloundra Australia to Byron bay australia
Which Preston? There are 19 in the UK, 3 in Australia, 2 in Canada and 21 in the USA (3 in Wisconsin alone). The biggest in the UK is Preston, Lancashire, which is 245 miles from Dover. If you then cross to Calais, you will be 190 miles from Paris. 435
213 miles
About 310 miles
its probably about 200 miles from UK