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The polaris is 430 light years from Earth.

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Q: How many light years away is Polaris from earth?
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How far is Polaris from Earth?

Polaris is about 430 light-years away from Earth, or 4.07 * 1018 meters, or 2.53 * 1015 miles.

Is Venus also called Polaris?

No, Venus is a planet in orbit around the sun as is Earth. Polaris is a star and thousands of light years away.

How is the star Polaris compared to that of the star Sirius?

Sirius is the brightest star...Polaris is bigger then Sirius, Polaris is 360 to 820 light years away from earth, and Sirius is only 8.6 light years away. The Sirius star is known as the dog constalation, The polaris star is found at the tip and corner of the big dipper and the little dipper

How far away is Polaris?

433.8 light years

How far away is the polar star?

Polaris, also known as the North Star, is about 434 light years, or about 4.1 quadrillion kilometers, from earth.

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The answer to how many light years is M99 away from earth it is 25100 light years away!

What distance between earth and polestar?

Polaris is a Cepheid variable star 430 light years away. It has about five times the Sun's mass and has a diameter more than 40 times greater than the Sun's. Because it's an aged star fusing heavier elements for energy, it's luminosity is very high, some 2,000 times that of the Sun. That is why it shines at 2nd magnitude in our skies even though it's about the same distance from us as the Pleiades. This star is also a triple star, the distant companion being visible in small telescopes and the closer one only detectable with adaptive optics or spectroscopy

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How many light years away is Ganymede from Earth?

it is 14,000000 light years away

What do you understand by the statement a star is eight light years away from the earth?

The light from a star eight light years away will take eight years to reach Earth.

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