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it is hard to count how many were killed by evil Nazis and how many were killed by ordinary Nazis.

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Only One Gypsy Died Since They wasnt Popular Back then

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Q: How many gypsies where killed by the evil Nazis in world war2?
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What was one of the issues of World War 2?

The Nazis, who were evil, tried to take over the world.

Why does Frollo hate all the gypsies?

Frollo harbors a deep-seated prejudice against the gypsies because of his rigid adherence to social hierarchy and his belief that they are immoral and corrupt. This prejudice is fueled by his distorted sense of self-righteousness and desire for power and control.

How did the swashtika turn in to a symbol of evil?

Because it has been used by the Nazis as their symbol it has been turned into a symbol of evil, since the Nazis were evil.

What did death camps do in the holocaust?

They killed jews... they were the main cause of the source of outrage directed towards the Nazis. They were evidence against the fact that mankind had matured and was no longer base and evil at heart.

What were some of the Nazis belief and who did they affect'?

Nazis believed that Germans were the master race. This evil and hateful political party came to power in Germany in 1933. Thier leader was Adolf Hitler. They belived that Jews and others were inferior and they began a program to exterminate the Jewish race. Nazis burned books and banned all dissent. Homosexuals,gypsies and Jews and many others were sent to concentration camps where they were gassed to death. It is estimated that over 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis.

How were the Nazis viewed by other people?

as mean , murders evil people

Did Nazis use poison?

Are you serious? Of course they did, how else could they have killed so many people? If you have to ask this question then I have to wonder if you're even old enough to understand the full levels of evil int WWII

Why did the Nazis give for mistreating the Jewish people?

because they thought that they were fighting evil.

Was the swastika sign good or evil?

The swastika symbolizes strength, but since the Nazis used it, most people assume it's evil.

Who was the evil Nazi?

The evil Nazis were soldiers of Adolf Hitler who were there to mainly catch the Jews and send and guard them on the way to the gas chamber.

What is surrounding Nazis?

Evil, rascism, Fascism and probably clothes, unless they're naked.

Who are some heroes of World War 2?

Every single soldier that fought against the Nazis and against the axis powers of ww2 is a hero for standing up against evil.