Sugar, brown4.6 gramsSugar, granulated4.2 gramsSugar, powdered (unsifted)
2.5 grams
It all depends on what you are weighing, a table spoon of lead will weigh differently to a table spoon of sugar
1 gram equals 0.666667 tablespoons. 50 grams would equal 33.3335 tablespoons.
a tea spoon is 5 grams, a desert spoon is 10 grams and and a table spoon is 15 gram so 13 grams is; 2.6 tea spoons 1.3 desert spoons 0.86 table spoons
1 table spoon = 15 g
There are about 12 1/2 grams on a table spoon of butter
About 12 grams of sugar in one tablespoon.
1 table spoon = 15 g
1 table spoon = 15 g
1 table spoon = 15 g
1 table spoon = 15 g
1 table spoon = 15 g
1 table spoon = 15 g