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100 to 300, depending on specifics of the truck.

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Q: How many gallons does an average semi truck take to fill?
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How many gallons does an average semi-truck take to fill?

They may have up to 300 gallon fuel tanks. It all depends on how the customer orders them.

How many gallons of gas does a 2004 F-350 diesel hold?

sorry but you will be introuble if you try to fill your diedel truck with gas??? It holds no gas, but can hold 38 gallons of diesel.

How many gallons to fill up a truck with a V8 engine?

There is no direct relationship between the number of cylinders in an engine and the size of its fuel tank!

How many gallons of water does it take to fill a round 70 ft pool that is 16 feet deep?

A pool this size with an average depth of 16 feet requires 462,560 gallons of water to fill it to the top.

How many gallons of water is needed to fill a pool with an average depth of 5.5 feet?

This can not be answered with the information you have given.

How much gas mileage does a 1995 Chevy Cheyenne 5.7litre engine get?

Each truck is different depending on how well it is treated. From the factory, it should get about 12-14 in the city and 14-18 on the highway. However, to calculate the correct gas mileage, reset the odometer thingy after you fill up your gas tank, and run the truck until you have to fill up again. Once you are done filling up the tank, look at how many gallons of gas were poured into the truck (should say on the pump). Take the number on the odometer, and divide that by the number of gallons of gas that were poured into the truck. That will give you your average gas mileage.

How many gallons does it take to fill 8 cubic feet?

It takes 59.84 gallons to fill eight cubic feet.

How many gallons of gas does a 2005 ford f150 truck hold?

22 gallons.

How many 18 gallon containers can you fill with 301 gallons of milk?

You can fill 16 and have 13 gallons left over to partially fill container number 17.

How many gallons of gas does it take 2 fill a 94 camaro?

15.5 gallons

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15000 gallons

How many gallons to fill 1200 meters 6 inch pipe?

About 5869.24 gallons