the healthy human body with some practice at pulling g, could withstand only a few seconds at more than 10 g before passing out from lack of blood flow to the brain. Or, more aptly, the lack of oxygen to feed the brain that only blood flow could provide. The heart can only beat against so much pressure before it losses the battle. Rookies couldn't hope to withstand more than about 5 or 6 g before losing consciousness.
The amount of g-forces a human can withstand varies depending on the direction of the force and the duration of exposure. In general, humans can withstand up to 5 g-forces for a brief period of time without losing consciousness. However, prolonged exposure to high g-forces can lead to serious health risks such as organ damage or death. Pilots and astronauts are trained to withstand higher g-forces using specialized equipment and techniques.
Up to 6gs in racing, sometimes more in a crash.
50deg celsius
They usually have strong skin that can withstand the heat.
A bacterium's cell membrane allows it to withstand fluctuations in temperature within the human body. This is necessary in order for the bacterium to survive in that environment.
The human body can withstand temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit before experiencing adverse effects, such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
as long as the bodys organs can withstand and it depends on the health of the person
A single human hair can typically withstand a maximum tensile strength of about 100 grams before breaking. The exact amount can vary depending on factors such as the individual's hair thickness and health.
No one knows exactly how much pressure the human body can withstand, but it is deeper than 1,500 feet.
The amount of radiation a human can withstand depends on factors like the type of radiation, dosage, exposure time, and individual characteristics. In general, the human body can tolerate low doses of radiation without immediate harm, while high doses can cause severe damage to tissues and organs. There are established safety limits for occupational and medical exposure to radiation to minimize health risks.
the inside of the stomach constantly secretes mucus, which protects the stomach wall.
The human body can withstand temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) before experiencing harm or injury. Beyond this point, heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke can occur.