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its more about when conception happened. 2 weeks after conception take a test. usually tests will tell you a few days after missed period.

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Q: How many days before your period that a preganany test can come up positive?
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How you can sure that the test before 5 days of your period is right?

I think you mean can a hpt be positive 5 days before your period is due??? In that case yes it can come back positive as your hormones (hcg) can be strong enough to show but not always its beat to teeth the day you should get your period or that day after

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conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on

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If you tested two weeks before your period you tested at about the time that your body is releasing an egg. Theres no way a test would come back positive at that time. Test again after you miss your period. Good Luck! -K

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the pregnancy could be a false positive

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Is 9 days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Yes it is, you should take the test at the earliest which is 5 days before a missed period. 5 days before a missed period? how is she going to know her period is not going to come ahead of time? I would wait until the period doesnot come to take the test or only take it before the period if you believe you are having an unwanted pregnancy.

If you take the pill the day before your period will it still come?

Yes you should still have your normal period.