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i think 20 berries

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Q: How many berries does miltank need in Pokemon crystal?
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How many berries give to miltank in crystal?


How many berries must you feed the miltank in the moo moo farm?

In Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal you need to feel seven berries to the Milktank in Moo Moo Farm. The kinds of berries don't matter. But in the remakes Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver the berries fed to it need to be Oran Berries.

How many oran berries do you give the miltank in heart gold?

yes u can...u have to 9 oran berries

How many orran berries that need by the miltank in shiny gold Pokemon?

maybe... 7? 10? just keep giving it them until u only have 1, then plant it to grow more if u need

How many pokemon in gold silver?

I think 252 Including Celebi And The Egg of Ushie And Miltank....

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon crystal?

Same as the gold and silver 251

How many oran berries does it take to heal the miltank in heartgold?

Well, the first time I played this game it needed 5. I just now gave it 12 before it was healthy. It appears to be random.

Where is Pokemon Heracross in Pokemon ruby?

to get heracross, you have to go to the safari zone. i suggest you go in with a lot of berries, because if you get close to him many times it runs away. so you have to throw him berries

How many master balls do you get in Pokemon Crystal?

Duplicate Pokemon with a masterball attached to them.

In Pokemon platinum how many Kelpsy berries do you give to a Pokemon for there hearts to go to max?

At least 20( a lot)

How many times can you get a water stone in Pokemon crystal?


How many badges are there in Pokemon Crystal?

8........... like always