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None, or 3, depending on who you ask. The official line is that HMS Ark Royal, (the current flagship of the fleet and the 5th ship to bear that name,) HMS Illustrious and HMS Invincible are all aircraft carriers. They do, in fact carry Harrier jump jets, but are incapable of launching many aircraft in common use on other modern carriers.

However, these ships were originally designated as "through-deck cruisers" and have displacements of little over 20,000 tons. By comparison the previous Ark Royal, decommissioned in 1978, had a displacement of 43,000 tons and even this was dwarfed by the 90,000 ton carriers in use by the US Navy at the time.

So, it could be argued that the Royal Navy currently has no true aircraft carriers.

The person above is an idiot, they are Invincible class ships and yes they are Aircraft carriers hence the name aircraft Carriers, despite them being unable of Carrying certain aircrafts they can carry Aircraft on a basis so yes they are, there are around five aircraft carriers, they are set to be replaced by the Queen Elizabeth in late 2015-2018, Queen Elizabeth class which are Super carriers with a Total weight of 72.000 metric tons Carrying up to 50 aircraft this man above knows nothing of Carriers.

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