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Six O'douls are, in alcohol content, approximately equivalent to one can of 3.2-percent beer. (Ten of them are equivalent to one 5-percent beer like Bud is now.) For an average 150-pound person, drinking a whole six-pack of this product in one hour is like drinking one 3.2 beer in an hour.

I'd be more worried about you getting sick from water intoxication than getting caught drinking, if you're drinking that much O'Douls.

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Q: How long will it take 6 odouls to not show up on breathalyzer?
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How long does it take for odouls to not show up on etg?

Are you serious? There is no alcohol in odouls

How long would it take for one can of odouls to not show up on a breathalyzer do to the minimum amount of alcohol?

Theoretically, the amount of alcohol in a non-alcoholic beer (actually such beers must contain less than one-half of one percent alcohol) should be metabolized in fewer than ten minutes. Therefore, the consumer's breath should register for no alcohol on an alcohol breath test after that period of time has elapsed.

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How long does it take for you to pass a breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol?

How long it will take for you to pass a Breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol, will depend on how much you drank. Alcohol is metabolized in the body at a rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration per hour.

How long does a Breathalyzer test take to be completed?

a breathalyzer generally takes 1 minute to complete. This included a 10-45 second warm up, and a 5 second test.

How long does alcohol take to enter your body and have a result on a breathalyser test?

Alcohol effects a breathalyzer test immediately after consumption.

You had one drink and you have to take a pee test how long does it take for the alcohol to get out of your system?

It depends on the test. If it's a breathalyzer test, don't worry about it. If it's an EGT, could take as long as three days, but probably less.

Can you beat a breathalyzer?

Not really. You can delay it and take the breathalyzer at the station. It does measure your breath and you don't need to blow as hard as the cops will encourage you to.

What can offset a breathalyzer test?

a drunk person refusing to take a sample

How long does a take that show take?

About an hour

What if not asked to take breathalyzer and told blow here?

If the police holds the tube in your face and instructs you to "blow here", they assume you have sense enough to know it's for a breathalyzer test.

How much time after consuming alcohol would it take to register on a breathalyzer test?
