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Q: How long does CPDA-1 extend shelf life of RBCs?
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How do you extend shelf life of dried fruit?

by freezing.

Why are some foods frozen?

To extend their shelf-life.

Why use preservative?

To keep foods fresh and extend shelf life.

Can Name and describe two blood components processed from a single blood donation?

A whole blood donation can be separated in four components:Plasma (Shelf life: 1 year)RBCs (Shelf life: 42 days)Platelets (Shelf life: 1 week)Cryoprecipitate (Shelf life: 1 year)(Kept at corresponding low temperatures)

What best describes food?

Freeze-drying blueberries to extend their shelf life

Why are chemical preservatives now added to foods?

To extend shelf life (last longer).

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Freeze-drying blueberries to extend their shelf life

What is super-pasteurized milk?

Milk that has been heated to an ultra high temperature to extend it's shelf life.

How does refridgeration affect bread?

Refrigeration will extend the shelf life of bread considerably, but if the bread is not wrapped it can dry out in a refrigerator and become quite hard.

Does cooking delay milk spoiling?

Yes, to an extent. The bacteria strains in milk, when pasteurized through the cooking process, will extend the shelf life.

Will a new battery extend the life of celphone?

It depends on how new the battery is (in other words, how long it has been sitting on the shelf), but in most cases it will.

Why do you need to preserve?

A variety of reasons: 1. To extend shelf life 2. To assist in transportability 3. To have a constant supply of that product even when it is out of season