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If you are closer to the equater the hotter the climate

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Q: How does the equator affect the seasons on your planet?
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Related questions

Where on earth is the tilt of the earth least likely to affect seasons?

Near to the equator.

How does a planet's revolution around the sun affect its orbit?

its seasons

Which country do not have season?

wat is it?Look at your globe. The only place on the planet without seasons would have to be on the equator.

How many seasons are experienced on the equator?

4 seasons are experienced on the equator

Why do some countries in the world experience the four seasons while countries like Singapore do not?

Countries that are closer to the equator experience less variety in their seasons. Singapore is in that region. Countries that are further from the equator experience the four seasons. It is all down to the way the Earth tilts. It has more affect on countries that are further from the equator in terms of the weather extremes that are experienced.

What does a planets amount of axial tilt affect?

It affects seasons by the angle a planet is tilted.

How does the axial tilt of its planet affect its seasons?

because it rotates in different parts which changes the temperature

How would the length of the seasons on mars affect people?

Compared to the planet Earth, it is always winter on Mars. The length of the seasons is not likely to affect people. The lack of a breathable atmosphere will be a much more pressing concern.

What two ways does Jupiter's rapid rotation affect the planet?

Jupiter's rapid rotation affects the planet by making it wider at the equator than at the poles. It also affects it by giving the planet its cloud bands.

What do seasons depend on?

Seasons depend on the angle of the sun. Those near the equator do not have seasons.

Where do the seasons not change?

Around the equator there is no noticeable difference to the seasons, compared to what is experienced by parts of Earth that are much further from the equator. At the poles, can you detect a difference?

Is there place on earth where the seasons never change?

Southern California! I think everwhere has some form of seasons. Places which experience the least change in seasons are those closest to the equator (the line running round the centre of the earth) as the sun is always closest to these areas.