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This question relates to nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fusion (which should not be confused with nuclear fission) is a process in which atoms are combined to produce a new atom. This is a very different thing from a simple chemical reaction, and has a lot more energy involved.

For example, two hydrogen atoms can be combined to produce a helium atom, and when this happens, a very great amount of heat is released. Helium atoms can also be fused. In fact, every atom we have either is hydrogen, or was built by processes involving fusion at some point, in stars of long ago.

Part of the problem with this is that it takes a lot of heat and pressure to make hydrogen atoms fuse into helium. It is easy for a star, which has a lot of pressure and heat inside. But on Earth, doing it the same way would take more pressure than any physical container can hold at a temperature that would vaporize anything we can make things out of. And to make things even more difficult, we have to be able to put fuel in, and have to get more energy out than it takes to run the operation, which is difficult in this case.

But scientists are working on it. People are trying to build containment out of magnetic fields. There are other types of attempts also.

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