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Q: How does a pulley store potential energy?
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Chemical bonds store potential energy.

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Batteries store potential energy, But after you connect it to the circuit then it converts to KINETIC ENERGY!

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potential energy

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It can be both, potential energy whilst in store, but kinetic energy when put to practical use.

What are two ways a spring can store elastic potential energy?

A spring can store elastic potential energy by someone/something squeezing or pulling the spring

How do you convert electrical energy into potential energy?

You can use the electricity to pump water up into a high reservoir, where it then has mechanical potential energy. Or store it in a battery - chemical potential energy.

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No it stores potential energy.

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You can store energy in a rubber band by stretching it, and this potential energy becomes kinetic energy when you let go

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How does a mousetrap run a car?

It could be an impulse launch. It could be by pulling a string wrapped around an axle, or a pulley bonded to the axle. It is just a place to store spring-tension based potential energy.

What is an advantage in potential energy just potential energy not fossil fuels or anything else and make it Th grade language?

Advantage, compared to what exactly? Different types of potential energy let you store energy. This is sometimes actually used in technology, to store energy - for example, in a capacitor.