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There are several test methods available for testing salt in pool water. One of the most effective and easiest ways to test the water is with a test strip. Salt titrator test strips are available that can measure salt in the range of 400 to 7,000 ppm. These test strips take approximately three to four minutes to react completely and give a precise salt reading. In fact, each lot is individually calibrated to deliver greater accuracy and precision.

Additionally, conductivity meters may be used to approximate the salt level. Conductivity is the measure of the ability of a solution to conduct electric current. These meters can be calibrated to specifically measure salt. A meter of this type is generally inserted directly into the pool water and activated to receive instant results. These meters can be very effective, but keep in mind that these devices are subject to calibration and should be calibrated regularly to ensure accuracy.

Liquid test kits may also be used to measure salt levels. These are generally titration kits where each drop is equivalent to a certain ppm of sodium chloride. Drops are added until the color changes and the number of drops is multiplied by some factor in order to determine the salt level.

Answer provided by Joe Sweazy, Technical Sales and Service Manager for HACH Company/ETS Business Unit

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