santhoshakaramaya dampathya geevitham
"Paava" is the Malayalam word for doll.
Angela is happy for her because she goes to the wedding
"Valare nallathu" is the Malayalam word for very good.
Mazha peyyunnu.
In the old Christmas specials that aired every year, Frosty would say, "Happy Birthday!" each time he came to life.
happy married life = glückliches Eheleben
In Malayalam, "happy" is said as "സന്തോഷം" (santhoshm).
To say Happy Sunday to all in Malayalam you say "Happy ahad kepada semua".
Be happy=Santhoshamayittirik
vivaham kazhikuka
திருமணநாள் நல்வாழ்த்துகள்...
You would say "ഞാൻ വെറുപ്പുണ്ട്" (njaan veruppundu) in Malayalam to mean "I am very happy."
sukhi bibahito jibon
un mariage heureux
You can say "സുഖാലി അധ്യാപക ദിനാശംസകൾ" (sukhali adhyapaka dinashamsakal) in Malayalam to wish someone Happy Teachers' Day.
To say "happy journey" in Malayalam, you can say "സുഖമായ പ്രയാണം" (sukhamaya prayanam).
boning the neighbour's daughter?