Mugiwara - Straw Hat.
Mugiwara Kaizoku - Straw Hat Pirates.
Mugiwara no Rufi - Straw Hat Luffy.
I believe the 'no' in 'Mugiwara no Rufi' is there because that is his title, since 'no' represents possession of something.
Lots of people have watched Pirates of the Caribbean, the exact number is hard to say.
Nazo no okurimono this is mystery gift in Japanese
to say Hannah it's "hannahsan" srry but idk about Montana
低潮 fuuchou
Yes, That is fine. The label may say 100% Straw, 100% Natural Fiber or 100% Paper
帽子 that's how you spell it boshi is how you say it
Straw : Qash ( in Arabic ) and it is written this way : قش
You say ''topi'' for hat and a bonus word how to say kite is ''pathang''
hat er hat - he has sie hat - she has es hat - it has hope that helps
The word for hat in Maori is "pΕtae".
In Welsh, "hat" is "het."
how to say "editor" in japanese
To say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese, you say "Mukashi no Nihon no irasuto".
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
In Chinese, "straw" is translated as "稻θ (dΓ ocΗo)".