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The truth is getting bad luck from breaking a mirror is just a superstition. For those who believe in these it is most commonly practiced to take a small amount of salt and throw over your right shoulder.

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Q: How do you reverse a bad luck to a good luck if you broke a mirror?
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Why is it bad luck to break a mirror?

People used to believe that your reflection was really your soul. If you broke a mirror, you broke your soul as well. Note from PickledOnionGirl: That's why Vampires are believed to be invisible in a mirror. Vampires supposedly don't have souls.

What do you do if you break a mirror on Friday the 13Th?

Well supposedly if you break a mirror its 7 years of bad luck. I broke a mirror on Friday the 13th one day too but so far no bad luck except that i got cut by the glass!

Why you break a mirror you will have bad luck?

because if you break one they say it's like you broke your future.....

Is licking a mirror good luck?

Yes, it is not known by many people but I once licked a mirror and it gave me good luck for at least 3 days. i dont know why I did it, but glad i did!!

Where did the superstition of breaking glass bad luck come from?

It is believed that a mirror is the window to the soul, and when you step in front of one you have put your soul inside. With this "logic" it was believed when you broke the mirror you broke your soul ad it takes seven years to repair it.

Is breaking a mirror bad luck?

Technically their is no such thing as bad luck so no. But in superstition terms as far as I know breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck. So if you broke one RUN THE HECK AWAY FROM IT LIKE USIAN BOLT.

Why is it not bad luck to break a mirror?

It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.

Why is breaking glass good luck?

Breaking glass is not good luck- it is bad luck. If you have bad luck coming your way, breaking glass will, according to superstition, eliminate it. Breaking glass, without any (bad luck) precursor, will supposedly manifest itself in only bad luck. Speaking in more detail, according to superstition, when one has bad luck coming his or her way, breaking a mirror works as a shield to bad luck. A mirror is a reflective device. When one breaks a mirror, it will reflect the bad luck of a broken mirror. But, when already in the presence of bad luck, it reflects the bad luck in the bad-luck dimension. Bad luck in the bad luck dimension is good luck, which we all obstinately have.

What part of the turkey that is broke is considered good luck?

Wish Bone

Just broke a mirror is there anyway of not getting bad luck?

One way to counteract the bad luck associated with breaking a mirror is to bury the pieces under a full moon to cleanse the negative energy. Alternatively, sprinkle salt over the broken mirror pieces and leave them for a day before disposing of them to ward off bad luck. Remember, staying positive and optimistic can often help mitigate any perceived bad luck.

Why is it seven years bad luck if you break a mirror?

mirrors used to be hand silvered and brillent cut which made them extremely expensive. So if a servant broke a mirror it would take them seven years to pay for them!