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they moved by tiny hair projeotion called cilia

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How do cnidaria move ?

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Q: How do all members of the Phylum Ciliophora move?
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Members of what phylum are considered to be the most complex of all protists?

Ciliates, members of the phylum Ciliophora, are considered to be the most complex of all protists. They are characterized by their distinct shape and presence of cilia, which are used for movement and feeding. Ciliates have a more sophisticated cellular structure compared to other protists, with complex organelles and nuclei.

Ciliates are members of the phylum?

Ciliates are part of the protozoan phylum ciliophora. All members of this phylum are parasites and feed on other organisms.

How do all members of the ciliophora move?

they moved by tiny hair projeotion called cilia

What is the phylum of cilia?

Phylum Ciliophora is a large and diverse group which includes complex protozoans, such as paramecium, Stentor, spirostomum and vorticella. Their locomotion is by cilia, and all forms are multinucleate.

What are the distinguishing characteristics of the freeliving members of the Sarcodina Mastigophora and Ciliophora?

they all move differently Sarcodina- psedopod Mastigophora- flagella Ciliophora- cilliathis does not show features this tells thing that are in it no persuading details

What is ciliophora?

Phylum Ciliophora is a large and diverse group which includes complex protozoans, such as paramecium, Stentor, spirostomum and vorticella. Their locomotion is by cilia, and all forms are multinucleate.

What are the characteristic features of members of phylum sarcodina?

Sarcodina refers to a phylum in the kingdom Protozoa. The members of this group are all single and multi celled amoebas

Are members of the phylum porifera invertebrate?

Yes, all of them.

What phylum has all members that live in the ocean?


Do all members of the Arthropod phylum have jointed legs?

Yes!! they do!

What is the main characteristics of Phylum Basidiomycota?

It is often referred to as "club fungi", all members of this Phylum form spores on club-shaped cells known as basidia. Mushrooms are the most common examples of the members in this phylum. :)

What is a science term for jellyfish?

jellyfish belong to the phylum cnidaria. members of this phylum are called cnidarians (the "c" is silent when pronounced). other members of this phylum are corals, sea anemone, and hydras. they all have the common characterisitic of tentacles with stinging cells (nematocysts).