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The Virginia plan for the American Constitution was supported by large states because it gave them more power to elect the president. Some of these states were Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts.

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13y ago

The Virginia plan favored large states because it called for representation in Congress based off of the population of the state. Thus, larger states like Virginia would have more representatives and a larger voice in Congress than smaller states like New Jersey.

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The Virginia Plan was proposed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. In the Plan, states were represented according to population, which would give larger states more power in Congress.

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. It gave them more power to determine the president.

It based Congressional representation on population.

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because it was a larger state

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Q: Why did large states support the Virginia plan?
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Why would Pennsylvania and Massachusetts support the Virginia plan?

They would support it because they had very large populations. In the Virginia Plan, the greater the population, the greater the voice. Therefore, larger states would support the plan, but smaller states would have low population, and therefore little voice.

Did the Virginia Plan appeal to large states or small states?

The Virginia Plan appealed to large states and in fact was also known as The Large-State Plan. It was created by James Madison on May 29, 1787.

Why did the Virginia plan support larger states?

to be represented

What plan at the Philadelphia Convention favored the large states because it wanted representation based on population?

Virginia plan

What plan way supported by a large amount of states?

The Virginia plan.

What is the historical significance of Virginia plan?

The Virginia plan wanted = Large states wanted representation by populationThe New Jersey plan wanted = Small states wanted equal number of representation

What plan was suggested by the large states as a basis for the new legislative branch?

Virginia Plan

What did states with large populationfavorthe Virginia plan?

The Virginia Plan, in having a unicameral legislature whose delegates are assigned by population (much like having just the House of Representatives), favored large states, because their large populations would give them power.

Who did the Virginia plan benefit?

favored large states, many people.

Did benjamin franklin support the virginia plan?

yes because Pennsylvania is such a large state

This plan was supported by the large what states?

No the plan was meant for the smaller states for equal representation whereas the Virginia plan was meant to be recorded by population.

What plan of government favored the smaller states?

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