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It lands on mars and it weighs than thirty eight pounds so it won't float...

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Q: How did the curiosity not float away while on mars?
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How does the curiosity not float away while on Mars?

Just like Earth's gravity holds you to Earth, and doesn't let you float away, Mars, too, has some gravity (less than Earth), which won't simply let objects float away into space.

How does the rover not float away while you are on mars?

As with any object, Mars does have gravity. It may not be as strong as on earth, but it is there and it attracts objects to its surface.

How long did it take for curiosity to get to Mars?

It took Curiosity 253 days to land on the planet Mars

When did mars rover curiosity leave earth?

The Mars rover Curiosity was launched on November 26, 2011.

When is probe curiosity going to be launched to mars?

Curiosity was launched to Mars on November 26, 2011, at 10:02AM.

How may kilometers has curiosity traveled to get to mars?

The Mars rover, Curiosity, travelled a distance of 567 million kilometres from Earth before reaching Mars.

How fast did curiosity travel to mars?

It took the Curiosity Lander 253 days to get to Mars and the distance between Earth and Mars at their closest point is about 33,926,867 miles. Do the math correctly and the speed at which Curiosity was traveling was about 5,587 mph.

Who landing in mars?

Curiosity is unmanned.

Is the curiosity rover coming home?

No. Curiosity will live and die on the surface of Mars.

How curiosity reach Mars?

it would to 6-7 months to get to mars

How fast or long did it take Curiosity to get to Mars?

Apparently it took curiosity 8 months.

What is a rover that visited mars?

Curiosity rover