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Bubonic Plague was one of the most feared diseases of the ancient and medieval worlds. Nobody could tell what caused it, and most people who got it died within a few days, screaming in pain. And when one or two people in a village got it, usually it spread to everyone else, and many of them died. Plague caused a fever, and black spots on your chest sometimes, and sometimes great big black swellings on your armpits and at the top of your legs. That's why they called it the Black Death. These swellings got hard like rocks and hurt, and then in a day or two people usually died. There was no effective treatment, though of course people tried all kinds of things, from magic to surgery. Sometimes people did get better on their own, if they had good nursing care and were very healthy to begin with.Today we do know what causes bubonic plague. Fleas carry it in the blood they suck; if a flea bites an infected person or animal (usually it's rats) and then bites you, then you'll get it too. People do still get bubonic plague, even today. But today we can cure it with antibiotics, and so most people who get it live

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14y ago
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12y ago

The black rats that came off the caro boats in Europe had fleas. And the fleas fed on these black rats until all the black rats had died away. Fleas love blood, any type of blood as long as they can get it. So, they turned to huans to get their survival needs. The rat blood got injected into the humas, giving them the bubonic plague. Many theories back then were silly, such as: demon dogs, strange people, outcasts, the church, etc..

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14y ago

Well, the fleas on the rats are the source of the disease. Since the streets are very dirty that time, due to people chucking their dumb out of the windows; rats are going in the streets. Doctors and priests that care for the victims also get infected.

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12y ago

Rat's helped spread the black plague more than anything

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9y ago

people got effected by the blach plague from the rats and te rats from what they ate

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Q: How did people help spread the black plague?
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What creatrues help spread the plague?

black rats were hosts for Yersinia pestis bacterium. Fleas help to spread them to humans.

What helped spread the plague?

black rats were hosts for Yersinia pestis bacterium. Fleas help to spread them to humans.

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What spreads the plague?

Well the plague started to spread because when the rat goes around where the human are , the fleas from the rats it jumps onto the human and sucks the blood and it also spread the plague when the human is not well it spreads to another person, when they can't cure it , mostly millions of people died from plague. Hope this help you :)

Which famous historical disease did fleas help to spread?

The Bubonic Plague.

Did animals help save europe from the plague?

Rats and their flees helped spread I don't think animals in general helped prevent it. And Europe wasn't saved from the plague.. 50percent of its population died of it. Wiki 'black death'.

How many people died in the 1360s from the black plague?

I don't know. Please help me to find out, my homework is due tomorrow.

Why did the black plague come?

It came on rats aboard ships that sailed to Europe. It originated in Asia and first spread through Europe in the 14th century. It reached London in 1666, just after Italy and Vienna had been struck with it. The great fire of London, also in 1666 did help in a clean up of the plague. However, people in 1666 thought much differently. Many people believed the Black Plague came from God, to smite the unbelievers and blasphemers. Much like the situation with Noahs Ark. The church used the plague to get more people back into religious control confirming it had indeed been a message from God.

Were there riots for the cure of the black death?

Well, kinda there was a riot from the people of Moscow Russia because of the governments failed effort to help with the plague.

Who are the people who help spread a religion?

Missionaries are the people who help spread a religion.

What treatments did people think would help get rid of the black death in the forteenth century not now?

people would carry herbs and spices with them so they wouldn't get the plague

How did people attempt to stop them from catching the black death?

There was little scientific or medical knowledge in the Middle Ages, so most of what they did to try to stop the plague did not have any effect on it. Some things they did were: applied poultices of various foods and substances to the buboes (the swellings caused by the plague); opened the buboes with knives, which actually would make the plague spread faster; various folk medicine or witchcraft remedies such as using a frog applied to the buboes, to try to remove the plague; prayer and blessing by priests, which often resulted in the death of the priest from the plague; blaming minorities and trying to stop the plague by removing the minorities (such as Jews) from their midst; herbal and dietary remedies; flagellation (whipping themselves) was practiced by some in an effort to get God's forgiveness, because they believed the plague was the result of sin. Unfortunately, the flagellation opened wounds on the bodies of such people, giving an easy route for the disease to spread. These people, known as "flagellants," also travelled from town to town to spread their belief that the plague could be stopped in this way, and the fact that they travelled also increased the plague, because they were carrying it with them in their bodies from town to town.