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He spoke the poem from memory while an assistant wrote it down.

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Q: How did homer write The Iliad and the Odyssey if he was blind?
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Did Sophocles write The Odyssey?

No. Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.

What year did homer write The Iliad and the odyssey?

6969 bc

Who is the author of The Iliad and the Odysse?

The identity and existence of Homer is disupted. He was a Greek poet who lived in the 8th century, and composed the great epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey.

In what century did Homer write The Odyssey?

Assuming Homer was a real person, he wrote the Odyssey and the Iliad in the 8th century BC.

Did homer write The Iliad and odyssey?

Yes..The Iliad was first, about the Trojan War, then the Odyssey about Odysseus' trials in returning to Ithaca.

What poem did Homer write?

Homer wrote two famous epic poems, The Iliad and the Odyssey. The Iliad was about the Greek and Trojan war. The Odyssey was about one warrior's journey home and the problems he faced at home.

What language did Homer write in?

Homer is believed to have composed his epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, in Ancient Greek.

How can Homer write poems when he is blind?

It is believed that Homer, the ancient Greek poet, composed the epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" orally rather than writing them down. He likely relied on memory and recitation techniques to compose and pass on his works.

Did Leningrad write the odyssey and The Iliad?

No... Homer did, along with some other classic Roman and Greek myths! Did that help you!? :-P

Did Aesop write the epic poems The Iliad and the Odyssey?

No, Aesop did not write The Iliad and The Odyssey. These epic poems were written by the ancient Greek poet Homer. Aesop is attributed to writing fables, such as "The Tortoise and the Hare," which are short stories that teach a moral lesson.

How long ago did homer write The iliad and the odyssey?

The Odyssey and the Iliac were written at about 800B.C.

Did Homer write the legend of Hercules?

No, Homer did not write the legend of Hercules. The hero Hercules is part of Greek mythology and his stories were written by various authors, with the most famous being Apollodorus and Ovid. Homer is known for composing the epics "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."