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Q: How did Rita Angus get famous?
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How did Rita Angus become famous?

from her paintings

What is Rita Angus's birthday?

Rita Angus was born on March 12, 1908.

When was Rita Angus born?

Rita Angus was born on March 12, 1908.

When did Rita Angus die?

Rita Angus died on January 27, 1970 at the age of 61.

How old was Rita Angus at death?

Rita Angus died on January 27, 1970 at the age of 61.

Is Rita Angus alive?

No, Rita Angus in not alive, she died in Wellington Hospital from ovarian cancer on the 27 of January 1970.

How old is Rita Angus?

Rita Angus was born on March 12, 1908 and died on January 27, 1970. Rita Angus would have been 61 years old at the time of death or 107 years old today.

Who is rita angus?

rita angus is a fella who has a good reputation on her paintings she paints many fine arts and she died sadly love moana

Who was Rita Angus married to?

Alfred Cook

What is Rita Angus known For?

she is a new zealand painter

When and where was Rita Angus born?

1908 in Palmerston, New Zealand.

How many paintings did Rita Angus paint?

Some where around 50