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Don't leave your car on OR wear a mask.

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Q: How can you prevent poisonous gas?
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How would a World War 2 gas mask work?

It had filters to prevent poisonous particles for being breathed in.

Is Carbon monoxide a poisonous gas.?

Yes, carbon monoxide is a poisonous and very dangerous gas.

What is poisonous gas belief?

Poison gas is any of the various gases with either poisonous or corrosive nature

Does Pluto have a poisonous gas?

Poisonous carbon monoxide gas has been found in the atmosphere of the dwarf planet Pluto

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What are the kind of poisonous gas?

Poisonous gases....hahahaha....ah shii!

What are the touted benefits of fluorine?

Fluorine is a poisonous gas. You may be thinking of fluoride, which used as a rinse, added to toothpaste, and added to water supplies, helps prevent cavities.

The bluish poisonous gas which is a type of allotrope of oxygen?

The bluish poisonous gas which is a type of allotrope of oxygen is named "ozone".

Was poisonous gas useful?

yes in the one of the wars the could throw a bomb or" poisonous gas" into the trenches of their opponents and kill them.

Element is Poisonous when inhaled?

Chlorine, which was used as a poisonous gas in World War I.

Poisonous gas in World War 1?

tear gas

What is a gas in World War 1?

Mustard gas was a poisonous gas used.