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what else are you in 'default" of in the contract?? Did the car get impounded?? Is it in possession of a 3rd party? Is it being used in criminal activity? I dont know..

There aare statements on the back of your contract called "acceleration clauses". Insurance is probably one of those items.


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Q: How can they repo your car when you have insurance and have not been late on payments?
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Can the lien holder repo my truck when payments and insurance are current?

They will not repossess a vehicle unless you have defaulted on the loan. Defaulting on the loan is being late with the payments. Call the lender and talk to them.

Can they legally repossess your car if all your monthly payments are up to date but you have made a few payments a day or a week late?

Read your CONTRACT. You have to be in DEFAULT of the contract for the lender to repo. If you are current on payments, what else can you be in default of?? INSURANCE coverage?

How many days late on car payments before it is repo?

60 days

If you've been late 8 weekly payments can the dealership report the car as stolen?

IF you are the REGISTERED OWNWER, NO. You cant steal your own car. They can REPO it.

Can you sue the lender if they repo your vehicle for being 21 days late?

No. Based upon your lending agreement, you agreed to pay the payments on time. There is NO required "Grace Period" for auto loans. They can also repo it if you don't maintain valid full coverage insurance.

In the state of Ga can your car be repo for being two days late?

Usually there is a grace period for late payments; however it is not a requirement.

Car repo in ny?

A car can be repossessed in the state of New York if payments are late or defaulted. The only way to not get a repossessed is to make your payments on time.

If your car has been repossessed do you have to keep car insurance on it?

no, but it is recommended. the repo co has insurance and is bonded for this type of situation. you will have to provide proof of repo to your insurance co.

What is the legal process to repo a car in TN?

You need to have a lien on the vehicle and reasonable cause to repo it, whether it be late payments, risk of losing the vehicle in impound, etc.

How long can you be late on car payments before they can repo?

Read your contract. One day. As long as you are in default of the contract, the lender can repo the collateral. That could include no ins. coverage.

How many payments do you have to be behind for the bank to repo your car?

It depends on which state you are in. In Kansas and a few others that I have some familiarity with, you have to have been 45 days late at some time. If you cured the default at that time and miss a later payment, even by a day, they CAN repo (probably none will, but they can). Your car can also be repo'd when your payments are current if you violate any other provisions of the security agreement, like letting the insurance lapse, using the vehicle for hire, or other things that put the lender at risk.

Can you be charged a repo and insurance fee when the original owner never notifid you of the repo and drove the vehicle away herself?

I'm not sure what your question/situation is but... The Finance company can do what's called "forced insurance" meaning if you do not have insurance they will put insurance on the vehicle at a hefty cost to you. They can also repossess the vehicle even if you are up to date in payments but do not pay them their insurance rate.... and that money is still owed after the repo.