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Think of what other people similar to you would choose and if it is still far too difficult, ask other people or just flip a coin.

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Q: How can I stop being so indecisive?
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You are indecisive but predictable in what you do - is that a sort of mental disorder or just a strange quirk?

Quirk. Being indecisive doesn't make you unpredictable. If somebody knows you well enough, they should usually be able to tell what you'd do in certain situations.

How do you stop yourself from being so high maintenance?

Stop being materialistic and start being more grateful for life and the people you have as friends and family.

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NO omnipotent means all powerful, thus, a weak and indecisive person is NOT omnipotent.

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You can stop the front alloys from being so dirty on a new Focus by using smartguard clean protection.

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Get out and live in the real world.

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When everyone stops being so violent

What do you do if you are indecisive on whether or not to write a mystery?

Sometimes being indecisive is your mind's way of telling you that you really don't want to write that story. Sometimes it's just your mind's way of telling you that you don't have a good enough story yet. Here are some links to help you make up your mind.

What is Is Being Done To Stop The Panda Being endangered?

they are putting moor in zoos and breeding them so then there will be moor of them.

What is the opposite of decision?

Indecision or vacillation.

Should Joel stop being bullied by his so called friends?

nah think he should man up and stop being a victim the little fat prick

Does everybody die when Worf farts?

if you've ever asked this question, here is my advice, stop being an idiot, this is just a myth so stop being immature.