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It just depends on your body. For me, it didn't, but it can. If you have a smaller frame, or if you haven't been penetrated yet, it hurts. so to make it not hurt as bad, you can have your partner slowly insert their finger into the opening of your vagina. have him wiggle it around and try to make you looser. when he does this it should feel very good if he's doing it right. then have him stick another finger in you and loosen you up some more. after he does this your body should be ready for him to penetrate you. have fun!

and it also helps if he is experienced.

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Q: How bad does it hurt if its your first time?
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If you are a girl, it will hurt and you will bleed. <---fALSE. If you ride horses, it wont be too bad, nor will it bleed. It only hurts for a few seconds anyway

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First time? Do you mean your period? IF its your period then YES IT HURTS LIKE CRAP! Sorry for the bad language! It usually hurts for about 6 days and then you will start to get used to it.

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