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Boron has the highest ionisation potential among group IIIA elements.

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Q: Highest IP values in 3A group elements?
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Which of the group 3A elements has the largest ionization energy?

Beryllium is the group 3A element with the highest ionization energy.

In group 3A of periodic table all elements are metals while Boron is metalloid why is it placed in this group?

Although boron is a metalloid and the other elements in group 3A of the Periodic Table are metals, it is placed with group 3A because it has three valence electrons at its highest-energy orbitals. It is also a good conductor of electricity.

How many unpaired electrons are there in an element in group 3A?

In group 3A elements, or elements in group 13, have only one unpaired electrons.

Which of the group 3A elements is the heaviest?


Are group 3A elements known as alkaline earth metals?

No,but group 2 are alkaline earth elements

Why the elements in group 3A and 6A dips in ionization energy?

Beacause of electronic configuration (M.O.T)

Are Group 3A elements the alkaline earth metals?

Group 2A elements are commonly known as the alkaline earth metals, while groups 1A is called the alkali metals.

What is the relationship between the atomic numbers and ionic radii of the elements in the group 3A?

I think that the ionic radii decrease

How do 3a differ from other group of elements?

The group 3 of the periodic table include lanthanides and actinides.

How group 3A-7A differ from other group A elements?

Group 2A elements form compounds that are less soluble in water. Group 2A elements are harder. Group 2A elements have an additional valence electron. Group 2A elements are less reactive.

What is the highest sublevel in actinium?

Actinium is in period 7, group 3A : so 7s2 is the highest sublevel of this first 5f-block element the actinides (89-103).

How many valence electrons are in the dot structure or the elements in 3A?

The elements in 3A all have 3 valence electrons.