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Q: Examine the map below. Where would you place this period in history relative to the birth of Jesus?
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Yes, it is believed that Jude was a cousin of Jesus and looked quite like him.

Who was Jesus' relative who was six months older then him?

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Jesus was born during the Roman period and not the Greek period.

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A relative of Jesus who was six months older than Jesus?

It is John the baptist , as his mother Elizabeth and Mary were cousins.

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There is no clear historical evidence to suggest that Joseph of Arimathea was a direct relative of Jesus. He is described in the Bible as a wealthy disciple who provided his own tomb for Jesus' burial. Some traditions suggest he may have been a distant relative, but this is not definitively proven.

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No, Jesus was in the early principate period of the Roman empire, sometimes erroneously called the "empire". He was born under the rule of Augustus and died under the rule of Tiberius.