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Yes.High viscosity magmas are thick whereas lower viscosity ones are thin and runny. Therefore higher the viscosity or the resistant to flow property , more violent will be the explosions.

As the magma rises up the mantle the confining pressure reduces which results in the release of potential dissolved gases from the melt.More the dissolved gases more violent will be the explosion.

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Q: Does high viscosity and dissolved gases increase volcano explosions?
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What Tend to increase the explosive potential of magma body beneath a volcano?

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If the magma of a volcano has a high amount of dissolved gas what type of eruption will the volcano have?

Typically, high viscosity, high gas magma results in a Plinian (explosive) eruption. The gas pulverizes the magma into ash and may form lateral pyroclastic flows.

What is the viscosity of lava flow from a cinder cone volcano?

Viscosity refers to the amount of internal friction in a substance which affects the ease with which it flows. Magma has a wide range of viscosity depending on the composition of the magma. The viscosity increases as the silica content changes from basalt to rhyolite. The more viscous a magma is, the slower it flows.

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Viscosity is how thick the magma is and this can impact on how much a volcano erupts and how it flows.

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How does an ash cloud come out of a volcano?

There are two ways a volcano can produce an ash cloud. In most cases gas-rich magma rises inside the volcano. The gas is dissolved in the magma under pressure. As the magma approaches the surface the pressure decreases and the gas is released and expands rapidly, producing an explosion. The magma is blasted apart into tiny particles, which we call ash. The hot gasses then rise, taking much of the ash with them. In other gases, water inside a volcano may come in contact with magma or rocks heated by magma, causing steam explosions. These explosions pulverize some of the rock inside the volcano, during it into ash.

What factors determine the force of a volcano eruption?

Factors that determine the force of an eruption are magma viscosity and gas content.

What flows are violent explosions of ash cinders and bombs and gases from a volcano?

Pyroclastic flows.