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I think it does

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Q: Does high SPF make you less tanned?
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How can I keep a tanned look without exposure to UV rays?

You can keep a tanned look by using sun lotion with a high SPF. Also you can go out covered and have a little skin showing but try to limit how long you are in the sun for.

Would adding spf 30 sunscreen to spf 50 sunscreen make it spf 80 sunscreen?

No. SPF 30 lets in 1/30 of burning UV rays, while SPF 50 lets in 1/50. Adding the two together is pointless and would not result in high levels of skin protection.

Which cosmetics company sell a lipstick with a high SPF rating?

Clinque is an American cosmetic brand, most noted for their high SPF cosmetics, some of which includes lipsticks, BB Cream and CC Cream. Cosmetics with high SPF ratings are most popular in the Asian market, as pale skin is considered most attractive. Therefore, many Asian brands contains SPF in their cosmetic products. For example, 'Lioele Magic lipstick', from South Korea, which contains 14 SPF. This can be purchased very cheaply on eBay, with a selective of colors.

Does the SPF count?

"The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) displayed on the sunscreen label ranges from 2 to as high as 50 and refers to the product's ability to screen or block out the sun's harmful rays. For example, if you use a sunscreen with an SPF 15, you can be in the sun 15 times longer that you can without sunscreen before burning. Consumers need to be aware that SPF protection does not increase proportionally with an increased SPF number. While an SPF of 2 will absorb 50% of ultraviolet radiation, an SPF of 15 absorbs 93% and an SPF of 34 absorbs 97%." from

What's a good SPF sunscreen so that you wont burn but you can still get a good tan?

This depends where you are located. In hotter countries i used 30 and got an amazing tan! But in places such as Canada and Cooler States i often only use a 15 and don't get nearly as great of a tan. If you want a hot tan for back to school, or even just to feel great about yourself; you might have to experiment with different SPF's and different brands. Yes, even brands will determine how much of a tan you get. If you have paler skin start with a 30 (or higher) and work your way down as you get more tanned. If you are darker skinned I would start with a 15, and see how you are from there.Good luck, and hope this helped my soon to be gorgeously tanned friend.(EDIT BY KABOB34: SPF 8 is good, as well as SPF 15.)

What spf should you use?

The high SPF sunblocks should be used and should be reapplied after every 2 hours. SPF 30-45 is sufficient and it should be reapplied frequently when sun exposure is anticipated as mentioned above. It's not necessary (or recommended) to use the absolute highest SPF sunblocks such as 75-100.

Does tanning oil protect from skin cancer?

In order for any sun tan product to provide any protection it has to have a high SPF number. The lower the SPF number, the lower the protection. Most dermatologists recommend an SPF number of at least 30.

What SPF sunblock should you use?

The high SPF sunblocks should be used and should be reapplied after every 2 hours. SPF 30-45 is sufficient and it should be reapplied frequently when sun exposure is anticipated as mentioned above. It's not necessary (or recommended) to use the absolute highest SPF sunblocks such as 75-100.

What SPF sunscreen should one with light skin use?

It is proven that people with light skins, are best protected when using a SPF 50 sunscreen and upwards. Sunscreen has SPF ranging from 8, all the way up to 70. Depending on your skin tone, it is better to be too careful by protecting with a high number SPF.

What is one way to prevent skin cancer?

there are many ways but since you asked for one here is one: you can wear sunscreen/sunblock but make sure it has a high spf

What are the SPF levels of lotion for Coppertone?

Probably 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 25, and 50. Why do they would make lotion like SPF 5 and 10 while they already have SPF 50?

What is the highest SPF facial sunblock can be purchased in?

It was probably SPF 30 because that blocks 96.7% of UVB rays. SPF 50 blocks 98% so you aren't really getting that much more protection than the SPF 30. Neutrogena has a SPF 100 but it really isn't necessary because as I said, SPF 30 is already blocking a significant amount, and SPF 50 doesn't even make that much more of a difference. Just for your information, SPF 100 blocks 99% of UVB rays so it REALLY doesn't do much more than SPF 50.