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This depends on if the packaging has been opened or not. If it has , you are right at the door of bacteria contamination. If not the product is still good to eat.

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Q: Does cream cheese go bad if left in a car for an hour?
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Can cream cheese go bad?

Yes. Every food can go bad. Cream cheese frosting should be kept in the fridge, since it has dairy in it.

Is cream bad for you?

cream cheese is good and very versatile.

Will asiago cheese go bad if left in a car for an hour during the summer?

Since it was allowed to warm up so much, it will probably not keep as long as if it had not been left in the car.

How long can a cream cheese and sour cream cake sit out before going bad?

Don't leave the cheese ball out for more than 2 hours.

How long can you keep cream cheese out?

Even if kept in fridge, only about 5 days.

Does dip go bad if left in a car for an hour?

It won't go bad for only one hour.

Does cream cheese need refrigeration?

It is a fresh cheese and really should be refigerated to stop it going bad very quickly.

Is Philadelphia cream cheese glutton free?

Yes, Glutton is in wheat products and is not harmful or bad unless you are allergic to it....

Can port wine spreadable cheese go bad?

Anything can go bad if left uncooled or old. I can never make port wine cheese last long enough to go bad.

Does cream of chicken go bad?

Yes, the smell will tell you or you will see mold on it after that.

Why eating cheese every day as a second dish is bad?

Because most cheese contains a lot of saturated fat, which is bad for your heart. Eating a lot of cheese daily may increase your risk of heart disease. (Some cheeses are low in fat; this warning doe not apply to them. E.g. cottage cheese, light versions of cream cheese etc...).

Is cream cheese bad for you when you are pregnant and if so what should you do if you are craving it?

Cream cheese it all right - it's the only alternative I had during my soft-cheese cravings. The basic rule is no unpasturized cheeses, because of the listeria bacteria that can make the baby sick. I can't wait until I can have goat and feta cheeses again!