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Yea, it's true because the thin cover over the mouth of your penis when removed, comes in direct touch with your underwear and gradually become insensitive.

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Q: Does circumcision of the penis cause it to lose sensitivity?
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Do men care if they lose sensitivity after circumcision?

Good question. Some men may not even think about that.

What portion of the penis is removed by circumcision?

The idea of circumcision is to remove only the lose tubular piece of mucosal skin known as the prepuce or foreskin. leaving the rest of covering skin of the penis and frenulum alone. However in the case of infant circumcision this is not so easily achieved as a newborns penis is so small. The result should be to leave the glans penis totally unprotected and exposed to the elements. This form of male genital mutilation is a religious and cultural rite. any medical benefit is denied by all major medical schools and organisations.

Does circumcision help in dealing the sperm?

Circumcised males tend to lose a bit sensitivity, as the exposed part develops thicker skin. Less feeling down there might improve endurance a little, but that's about it.

Is it necessary to have circumcision?

It is not necessary it depends only on your religion or on your own decision. It is certainly not necessary to be circumcised on the contrary circumcision is inflicted on less then 20% of the worlds men and most of them are done for religious cultural and right of passage into manhood rites. there are many disadvantages to being circumcised beginning with extreme pain in the case of infants that is now being shown to cause trauma that can lead to permanent changes in the brain. secondly the penis glans is deprived of protection causing it's mucoussal surface to dry out , kartinise and as a result of that lose sensitivity. the main religions that circumcise are Islam and the Jewish. there is in fact no instruction to circumcise in Islam and the Jewish need to do so is becoming the subject of hot debate as many Jews do not genitally mutilate their children. Check out the related link below Circumcision a source of Jewish pain for more information on both the religious and health aspects of this barbarous custom.

Can you lose your penis if you get circumcised?

Yes, if whoever is doing it "accidentally" cuts it off. This sort of thing can happen when infants are circumcised more likely though is the accidental removal of the whole glans. These are just some of the risks of male genital mutilation (circumcision).

Is saltpetre used to stop a man from getting an erection after a circumcision?

No, because it does not work. Thankfully I have never had my penis mutilated by any lunatics with a bible in their free hand. However I would expect that if I was walking around with a wounded penis, the moment an erection wanted to start the pain that would result would soon make me lose the erection. I doubt if it would be a problem.

What are the dangers of using solvents?

you might lose your penis

Should male babies get circumcised?

Never, it is his penis, not mine. If he wants it done when he is adult he can, but if he is sensible he won't. It is done to damage the pleasures of sexual activity, Jews, Muslims, and the 19th century doctors who started it all admitted that.Not only is it very bad for the boy, and the man he will become, it is also illegal in the USA and the UK! (Many other countries as well) Check out the legislation regarding inflicting deliberate injury on another person. Look at the UK Offences against the person Act of 1861, and there is similar protection for children in the USA. But the authorities lack the guts to prosecute the perpetrators unless the child is a girl, because there are too many Jewish lawyers and judges, and politicians who are afraid to lose support in elections.Psychological Effects of Circumcision StudiedAn article titled "The Psychological Impact of Circumcision" reports that circumcision results in behavioral changes in infants and long-term unrecognized psychological effects on men. The piece reviews the medical literature on infants' responses to circumcision and concludes, "there is strong evidence that circumcision is overwhelmingly painful and traumatic." The article notes that infants exhibit behavioral changes after circumcision, and some men have strong feelings of anger, shame, distrust, and grief about having been circumcised. In addition, circumcision has been shown to disrupt the mother-infant bond, and some mothers report significant distress after allowing their son to be circumcised. Psychological factors perpetuate circumcision. According to the author, "defending circumcision requires minimizing or dismissing the harm and producing overstated medical claims about protection from future harm. The ongoing denial requires the acceptance of false beliefs and misunderstanding of facts. These psychological factors affect professionals, members of religious groups, and parents involved in the practice." Expressions from circumcised men are generally lacking because most circumcised men do not understand what circumcision is, emotional repression keeps feelings from awareness, or men may be aware of these feelings but afraid of disclosure. Goldman, R., "The Psychological Impact of Circumcision," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 93-102

How do you make penis bigger without pills?

lose your weight man ")

How did Brahms die?

He died because he suffered from peniople, which is the lose of his penis.

What can cause an enzyme to lose its confirmation?

When a protein is denatured, this can cause an enzyme to lose its confirmation.

Benefits of circumcision?

Question exists in regards to the possible health benefits of circumcision. A study published in 2006 indicated that circumcised males have a slightly lower risk of becoming infected with HIV as compared with uncircumcised males. this study has however been discounted after it was found that as a result of the study thousands of men were circumcised in an effort to allay the spread of HIV AIDS. it was found that the spread continued unabated and was quicker among those that were circumcised then among those that remained genitally intact. The most common reasons for infant circumcision in the United States is the perception that it makes the penis easier to clean and so that the boys penis will look like his fathers. However, studies have demonstrated that urinary tract infections in men occur at the same rates in both circumcised and uncircumcised males. Any cleanliness that is facilitated by circumcision has no medical benefit. The benefits of circumcision it turn out are perceived and simply not based in any real science. Add to this the very real risks, while Circumcision is not a major surgery, it does have as with any surgery, some major risks. The most common problems are infection, pain, and bleeding after the surgery. Other common complications after circumcision include decreased penile sensitivity and decreased pleasure during sex. Some men are dissatisfied with the appearance of their penises after circumcisions, and others complain that too much skin was removed, making masturbation difficult. Most of these complications are minor, but every year there are reports of major complications following circumcision. These rare complications include accidental damage or dis-figuration to the penis. Also rare, multiple deaths occur every year following circumcision due to complications from anesthesia and bleeding. In the case of infant circumcision there also seem to be very real stress related conditions that can follow them into latter life, as well as interfere with mother bonding and other coping conditions such as dealing with pain. The best way to proceed with weighing the benefits and risks of circumcision is to do some research on your own first, then make an appointment to discuss the procedure at length with your doctor.