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Arsenic does have a particular smell that is almost natural. Some people however cannot smell the smell that arsenic has.

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Q: Does arsenic have a certain smell?
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What mineral is identified by smell?

Sulfur. Arsenic may have a garlic smell.

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Arsenic when heated will form Arsenic Trioxide which has an order resembling garlic.

What is arsenic's odor?

Arsenic: symbol As; at. wt. 74.91; at. no. 33; valence states 3 and 5 and classified as a metalloid. has no detectable odor. Some of its compounds do have a very weak odor ... so weak that I cannot detect them myself but have been told they are there. Arsenic and all of its compounds are VERY Toxic. One of the symptoms of arsenic poisonous is an odor of garlic on the breath. This I can smell.

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Arsenic is an element. The scientific name for arsenic is arsenic. Arsenic's chemical symbol is: As It is left to the student to balance the chemical equation of Arsenic and Old Lace.

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A certain smell, such as violets and roses or even diesel perfume A certain smell, such as violets and roses or even diesel perfume

Things containing arsenic?

Arsenic is a heavy metal and is toxic. This is why it is used in rat poison. If you work in an environment with arsenic it is a good idea to eat a diet rich in sulfur found in eggs, legumes, garlic, and onions.

What are the chemicals in arsenic?

Strictly, there are no other "chemicals" in arsenic, because arsenic is a chemical element, and pure arsenic therefore does not contain any other element.

How is the element arsenic good for the human body?

treats certain cancers, syphylis, acute promyelocytic leukemia that is resistant to ATRA